Monday, October 4, 2010

2nd Six Weeks - Week 1

Congratulations to the Lady Bears for their win over Trinidad on Tues.
Saturday was a tough loss to our old rivals in Rice. District is still not over and we still have a chance to make the playoffs, so let's support the Lady Bears in their endeavor to win out the rest of the season. The girls play in Cayuga on Tuesday at 5:00. They play Kerens here on Saturday, but it be at 2:00pm instead of 10:00 am.

Congrats to the Junior High Lady Bears for their wins over Kerens last Monday.

Polar Bears had an bye week and the boys are gearing up for our first district home game against Bremond.

There will be a pep rally on Friday.

Junior High Volleyball will travel to Cross Roads on Monday and Junior High Football will travel to Bremond on Thursday. Good luck to all of our Polar Bear and Lady Bear teams this week.

Week At A Glance

Monday: Begin 2nd Six Weeks - J.H. Volleyball at Cross Roads - 5:00
Tuesday: FFA Students go to State Fair - H.S. Volleyball at Cayuga - 5:00
Wednesday: Team Kids and Youth Church @ FBC - 5:30
Thursday: CiCi's Pizza Night - J.H. Football @ Bremond - 6:00
Friday: Report Cards go out - Pep Rally at 2:40 - H.S. Football Game vs Bremond (Here) at 7:30
Saturday: H.S. Volleyball vs Kerens (Here) at 2:00 pm.

Classroom Schedule:

Monday: Begin "Baseball" & "Harriet Tubman" Pg 478-482 & 485-496
Discuss Baseball and start Vocab Warm-up and Builder

Tuesday: Finish Vocab

Wed. Read Harriet Tubman together in class

Thursday: Go over Open Book Test together, review for selection test

Friday: Continue to review and go over sample essay questions. Selection Test scheduled for Monday.

Vickery's Vit & Visdom

Patience is the best remedy for any trouble ~ Plautus~
Genius is nothing but a greater aptitude for patience ~ Benjamin Franklin~

This weekend was extremely busy for me and I found myself in a hurry everywhere I went. Of course, when I was driving, I ended up behind every slow driver in Navarro County. I find it difficult to have patience for people who do not reach the speed limit on a highway. When it says 70 mph, I am very annoyed by drivers who go below that posted speed. But after I pass them and give them the "glare" as I pass them, I soon feel guilty for losing my patience. I shake my head when I see my children act the same way. Usually they are acting that way toward me or their dad. The shoe is on the other foot now. Now I am the one who is glared at, or who receives the heavy sigh when I am not as fast or as aware as they want me to be. They learned their impatience from their dad and I. I can remember being annoyed at them when they were little because they were so slow or they impeded my progress on my errands and tasks. I wish I had those days back. If you are impatient with a child, they will learn impatience. If you are patient with a child they will be less likely to glare at you in your old age. Remember that your children will pick out your nursing home, so be patient with them, so they will return the favor some day. Be kind and patient to everyone. We are all fighting some kind of battle.

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