The first week of the 2010-2011 school year seemed to be a smooth one for most of you.
- All school supplies are due in my class on Monday, Aug 30. I will give 10 extra credit points on your next test, if you have all supplies by Monday.
Make sure you bring all materials to class every day. - Bring your Green Folder to my class every day.
- Remember that you are here to learn and grow.
- Horseplay, silliness and poor behavior is not accepted in my class and will be dealt with appropriately.
Congratulations to the Polar Bears for their win over Krum on Friday night. It was an exciting game and great start to a promising season.
I was also impressed with the cheerleaders. Good job on the fun pep rally. Seeing the PreK kids dancing makes it all worth it. Great job at the game. You kept the crowd going all night. By the way, I WANT A FOOTBALL THROWN IN MY DIRECTION NEXT TIME.
Congratulations to the Lady Bears for their 2nd place finish at the Covington Tournament on Saturday. Great Job Ladies! Keep working! District is just around the corner.
Don't forget that Monday Sept. 6 is Labor Day Holiday (Which means that, if you come to school, the doors will be locked)
Other activities for the week:
Lady Bears Volleyball Game vs Dawson -Tues. - HERE - beginning at 5:00pm
Polar Bear Football Game vs Lake Hill Prep - Friday - THERE - at 7:30
Junior High Volleyball - Thursday - Sept 2 -Vs. Crossroads @ 5:00pm
Week At A Glance
Monday - Handout (Vocabulary Warm-up Word Lists A & B) Assignment: Vocab Warm-up Exercises (Poetry by Jacqueline Woodson). Due at the end of class or for homework if not finished.
Tuesday - Reading Warm-up aWorksheet (pg 9-10) Answer questions 1-6 on page 9 and 1-5 on page 10. Make sure you answer in complete sentences and that you have a complete heading and title on your paper. Due at the end of class.
Wednesday - Read Jacqueline Woodson's poetry during class Assignment: Listening and Viewing worksheet pg 11. Complete in class. Homework: pg 13 Worksheets: pg 12 - Learning About Poetry & pg 13 "The Poetry of Jacqueline Woodson" Model Selection: Poetry. Due on Thursday at the beginning of class.
Thursday - Friday - Open Book Test over The Poetry of Jacqueline Woodson - Due by the end of the class period on Friday.
Have a wonderful week!